Clean, quiet and virtually pollution free, fuel cell technology is changing the way we think about power. From cars to cell phones, power stations to laptops the potential applications for fuel cells are enormous; so enormous, that governments and corporations worldwide are investing billions into fuel cell research and development.

Beneath the technical challenges there is a key component for the successful market entry of fuel cell and hydrogen products: Fuel cell and hydrogen education!
  The development of knowledge and acceptance of this new technology by the general public, students or decision makers is essential for its market success. New fields of opportunity are arising for students trained in this new technology!
Now, we round out our product
offering with Nexa® and AirGen™
from Ballard Power Systems.

Heliocentris, with offices in Germany and Canada has worked for seven years in the field of fuel cell education and outreach. To date we have sold about 20,000
  educational fuel cell products and have made numerous custom installations.

Heliocentris is offering product solutions for
· Schools
· Colleges and universities
· Promotion and public outreach
· Research and development

Let us work with you to develop the best solution for your educational, promotional or research activities.

Fuel cell technology
for middle and secondary schools

Fuel cell technology
for universities and technical colleges

Gifts and promotional products to astound your customers and friends

Fuel cell technology
for your research activities